US Sales Tax calculator »

New York

The base sales tax in New York is 4%. You can also use Sales Tax calculator at the front page where you can fill in percentages by yourself.

Choose city or other locality from New York below for local Sales Tax calculation. You can see the total tax percentages of localities in the buttons.

Sales and Gross Receipts Taxes in New York amounts to 28.4 billion. It is 30.62 % of the total taxes (92.7 billion) raised in New York. Numbers represent only state taxes, not federal taxes.

Breakdown of taxes in New York (excl. federal taxes)

Tax Type 2020 (billion) Change Share
TOTAL TAXES 92.721 +8.61 % 100 %
SALES AND GROSS RECEIPTS TAXES 28.388 +4.25 % 30.62 %
General Sales and Gross Receipts Taxes 15.966 +3.86 % 17.22 %
Selective Sales and Gross Receipts Taxes 12.423 +4.76 % 13.4 %
Alcoholic Beverages Sales Tax 0.259 -1.68 % 0.28 %
Amusements Sales Tax 0.002 -13.66 % 0 %
Insurance Premiums Sales Tax 1.904 +2.04 % 2.05 %
Motor Fuels Sales Tax 1.675 -2.69 % 1.81 %
Pari-mutuels Sales Tax 0.016 -25.62 % 0.02 %
Public Utilities Sales Tax 0.907 +2.42 % 0.98 %
Tobacco Products Sales Tax 1.035 -3.32 % 1.12 %
Other Selective Sales and Gross Receipts Taxes 6.624 +9.91 % 7.14 %
LICENSE TAXES 1.823 +0.87 % 1.97 %
Alcoholic Beverages License 0.056 +13.32 % 0.06 %
Corporations in General License 0.002 +75.44 % 0 %
Hunting and Fishing License 0.045 +8.24 % 0.05 %
Motor Vehicle License 1.418 +0.16 % 1.53 %
Motor Vehicle Operators License 0.141 -2.50 % 0.15 %
Public Utilities License 0.037 +27.94 % 0.04 %
Occupation and Business License, NEC 0.123 -1.35 % 0.13 %
Other License Taxes 0.001 -15.97 % 0 %
INCOME TAXES 58.484 +11.64 % 63.08 %
Individual Income Taxes 53.659 +11.59 % 57.87 %
Corporations Net Income Taxes 4.824 +12.28 % 5.2 %
OTHER TAXES 4.026 +1.99 % 4.34 %
Death and Gift Taxes 1.07 +0.17 % 1.15 %
Documentarty and Stock Transfer Taxes 1.279 +0.09 % 1.38 %
Taxes, NEC 1.677 +4.72 % 1.81 %

Source of the data is United States Census Bureau: