Percentage calculations without a calculator
Percentage calculations become much easier when we understand that they are multiplication calculations. You can put the numbers to be calculated in a different order. You can also separate the tens and hundreds into their own numbers.
Negative percent
A percentage calculation can easily result in a negative percentage instead of a positive percentage. You can also calculate a percentage from a negative number. The calculation gets a bit strange when you calculate the percentage change using a negative number, but that's not impossible either.
Percentage and percentage point
A percentage means a hundredth and they are used to measure a share of something. The percentage point, on the other hand, is used when comparing percentages to each other or when referring to percentages of certain percentages.
In Europe there is VAT - in the US sales tax
In Europe, companies belonging to the production chain account for the VAT paid by the consumer to the state in proportion to their value added. The US sales tax, on the other hand, is billed entirely by the company that made the consumer sale. Sales tax is paid to local operators, not to the state.
History of taxation
Many of today's taxes were already in use in Antiquity. Deciding on taxation has moved from autocrats to parliaments and the level of taxation has risen. In earlier times taxes were used to wage wars, today taxes are used to maintain welfare states.